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Quote from Niles in Frasier Crane's Day Off

Roz: You're on in ten seconds and your first caller is Marcia.
Niles: Marcia. "Hello, Marcia, I'm listening." That is so trite. "Hello, Marcia, tell me where it hurts." No, no. "Hello, Marcia, I hear you." No.
[Roz points at Niles. He doesn't understand and points back. She points again. Niles gives her a thumbs up.]
Roz: [speaking through her mike] Good afternoon, Seattle!
Niles: Oh, yes! [on air] Hello! This is Dr. Niles Crane, filling in for my ailing brother, Dr. Frasier Crane. Although I feel perfectly qualified to fill Frasier's radio shoes, I should warn you that while Frasier is a Freudian, I am a Jungian. So there'll be no blaming Mother today.

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