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Quote from Roz in I Hate Frasier Crane

Roz: So I step out of the shower, I look out the window, and I notice the garbage man looking right in at me. So I say, "Did you get a good look?" He says, "Not completely. Turn around." Then he smiles, and he's missing a tooth.
That's when the romance went out of it for me.
Frasier: Roz, why are you telling me this story?
Roz: I am trying to get your mind off the fact that in five minutes you're going to walk out in that square and get your clock cleaned.
Frasier: Yes, well, did it ever occur to you that I might win this fight?
Roz: Your shoe's untied. [Frasier looks down] If you fell for that one, you're going down, and you're going down hard.

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