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Quote from Frasier in Moons Over Seattle

Roz: Um, you know that thing you did at the end?
Frasier: At the very end?
Roz: Just before.
Frasier: I know exactly what you mean.
Roz: I coulda done without that.
Frasier: Really? You didn't like that. Well maybe that's just your taste.
Roz: No.
Frasier: 'Cause I've received high kudos for that in the past.
Roz: Look, don't take it personally. It would have been impossible for either one of us to get a perfect score that night, given the circumstances. We were both tentative, and more than a little vulnerable.
Frasier: That's true.
Roz: And it was tough to concentrate with the TV blaring away in your dad's bedroom.
Frasier: I didn't hear that.
Roz: Don't you remember? Sting was on Letterman. He was talking about the rain forest and the plight of the Yanomama Indians. It was really sad. I mean, the whole Orinoco River Valley is being forested into extinction.
Frasier: Well, I'm glad my woefully inadequate performance didn't distract you from your ecology lesson. Did Sting happen to mention anything about you shaving your legs? Because that's a rain forest that could use some pruning!

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