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Quote from Frasier in Cheerful Goodbyes

Frasier: Carla? Don't you have a few words to say?
Carla: I sure do. Cliffy, I know that things haven't always been that great between us over the years. But being here tonight, makes me think about the effect that you've had on my life. I'd like to say that I'll miss you... [getting worked up] I'd like to say that I'll miss you...
Frasier: It's okay, Carla.
Carla: I'd like to say that I'll miss you... but it sticks in my throat like your rotten deviled eggs! I hate your guts! The way you talk and talk and talk about nothing! The way you walk, your stupid white socks...
Frasier: Carla!
Carla: Back off, I'm toasting! The twenty years I've known you would have been less painful if I was covered with open sores and thrown into a pit with, with a bunch of diseased rats. But, now, finally, you're leaving! I know I'm not as young as I used to be, but I can live again. I can live again! Finally, I can live! I can live! [laughs maniacally] Anyway, God bless.

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