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Quote from Niles in Cheerful Goodbyes

Carla: Hey, Cliff, tell us more about how you're leaving. And tell it real slow. Quiet, everybody.
Cliff: Well, Carla, tomorrow I'm getting on a plane and going to the promised land. Florida. Time to hang up the old uniform and live in my Speedos.
Carla: I didn't think anything could live in your Speedos.
Daphne: Aren't you a bit young to retire, Cliff? I'd be worried I'd become bored.
Carla: Ah, now, don't you worry about that, Missy. When I get down there to old Florida, I'm gonna buy myself an airboat. Give tours of the everglades, maybe wrestle a few crocodiles.
Niles: That would be alligators.
Cliff: Ah, common mistake there, Sparky. See, when a crocodile raises its head, its nostrils get pinched shut tight, thereby cutting off its oxygen supply. Yeah, a baby could wrestle one.
Daphne: That's fascinating. Did you know that, Niles?
Niles: I, uh, I still don't. Excuse me Daphne.

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