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Quote from Frasier in Docu.Drama

Frasier: Look, anyway, if you wouldn't mind indulging me. I have a few suggestions that I didn't have a chance to run by Roz. Um, here we are. Now, this first one is about a Seattle man who took his two sons to the roof to see if they could spot Friendship 7 flying by.
John Glenn: Was that you?
Frasier: It's very perceptive of you, sir, yes. That was me, my father, and my brother. I thought a story from the glory days of space might help to launch the show.
John Glenn: You know, that sounds great. I'll bring that up to Roz.
Frasier: Oh, about that, it's probably best that Roz never know we had this conversation.
John Glenn: Why not?
Frasier: Well, you see, any suggestion that came from me right now, Roz would be inclined to shoot down. Uh, she's still a little ticked off at me for dropping out.
John Glenn: Well, you know, I don't like to go behind someone's back.
Frasier: Oh, we're not going behind anybody's back. Even if we were, it's only temporary.

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