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Quote from Martin in Good Samaritan

Frasier: Dad, I'm so sorry. What happened was-
Martin: No, I don't need to know. I didn't come down here to judge. You're my son, and I love you.
Frasier: Yes, for God's sake, Dad, I didn't...
Martin: Why don't we just pay up and get out of here, OK?
Fred: Hey, Marty.
Martin: Hey, Fred.
Fred: Listen, I wouldn't take this too hard, Marty. You remember Captain Pachesky's son turned out to be the Coleman Park Pervert.
Martin: Yeah, thanks.
Fred: And Sergeant O'Brian's daughter does all them cable movies.
Martin: Yeah, I heard.
Fred: You can pick her out, she's got his chin.
Martin: Yeah, could we just get on with it here?

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