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Quote from Frasier in Sleeping with the Enemy

Kate: Every suggestion, every decision I've made has been met by this impenetrable wall of arrogance masquerading as righteousness.
Frasier: Oh, ho, ho. That's a desperate shot, attacking me because I have a social conscience!
Kate: No, what you have is a fat contract, and so do the rest of your cronies. So when it came time for staff raises, there was no more money left in the till!
Frasier: Oh, you are twisting things to make it look like it's my fault! Oh, it's true what they say: the devil comes disguised as a beautiful woman!
[Frasier and Kate stand up and square off over her desk]
Kate: There would've been raises if you hadn't taken all the money to pay for those Armani suits.
Frasier: Oh, oh, what about you? Let's not overlook that pricey little Fendi scarf you're wearing!
Kate: Well, what about this designer cologne on you?

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