Marie Quote #682

Quote from Marie in The Mentor

Frank: Marie, ham.
Marie: On the table congealing.


 ‘The Mentor’ Quotes

Quote from Frank

Frank: All right, everybody, you're welcome in my home, unless you sit in my chair, touch my remote, or are married to me.
Marie: Frank, that's how you talk after church?
Frank: Yeah. My prayers weren't answered.
Marie: Next time, pray for hair.

Quote from Frank

Ray: Well, we're not whining, we're pissed off.
Robert: Yeah, he's pissed off!
Ray: You never gave us the time of day, so how do you think it makes us feel we find out there's a kid out there that you're actually nice to?
Frank: Maybe he was actually nice to me! Did you ever think of that?!
Ray: What?
Frank: He was nice to me! He respected me! You guys never did!

Quote from Marie

Marie: I'd like to know something: Who is he, Frank? Who is he?
Frank: I told you, he's a kid who used to hang around the office.
Marie: Well, how come you never told me about him?
Frank: I don't know.
Marie: Just tell me, is he your son?
Frank: What?!
Amy: Oh, Marie! We were just joking about that.
Marie: Who was it, Frank? Harriet Lichtman?
Frank: Oh, come on!
Marie: Is this boy really Sammy Lichtman, your love child?
Frank: Love child?! You're nuts, lady!
Marie: Oh, yeah? You think I don't see he's bald? You missed brunch today. You missed a ham, Frank. And in 47 years of marriage, you have never turned your back on pork!