Marie Quote #563

Quote from Marie in Marie's Vision

Debra: That is just that is great! That's amazing. Marie, that's terrific.
Marie: I can see the world! Everything is a little more clear and vivid. Ooh! What's that?
Debra: What?
Marie: Oh, nothing. It's just an eyelash.
Ray: Oh, wow! Those are high-powered, Ma.
Marie: Make a wish. [Debra blows the eyelash away] Oh.
Debra: What?
Marie: Oh, nothing. I just never noticed your eyelashes.
Debra: What do you mean?
Marie: I- I always thought they were a little fuller. Ooh! Don't touch! You want to keep the ones you have.


 ‘Marie's Vision’ Quotes

Quote from Frank

Debra: Why don't you tell her, Frank?
Frank: Aw, not me. Last time I told her to do something for her own good, it completely bit me in the ass.
Debra: What was that?
Frank: I said, "Marry me."

Quote from Marie

Marie: Is that why you broke my new glasses? Because I said we have a loveless marriage?
Frank: You gonna keep sayin' it?
Marie: It bothers you when I do, doesn't it? I didn't mean it. You know, I just get a little overdramatic sometimes. [Frank looks at Marie] But look how everybody reacted just because of something I said. It made me feel important. And I have never seen you react so strongly about anything I said. You're a pig. You don't talk, you don't listen. But you love me, Frank. Frank?
Frank: You don't need glasses for that.
Marie: Oh, Frank you love your little rum ball.

Quote from Frank

Marie: Would you like to hear what I now notice about you, Frank?
Ray: Oh, boy.
Frank: Yeah, yeah. I'm fat and bald. The remote.
Marie: That's not what I was going to say. I don't care about looks. I'm with you, aren't I? I'm talking about what's inside, Frank.
Frank: Oh, Jeez.
Marie: That's right. The total lack of communication. The total disregard for me as a human being. It's been this way for 45 years. God forbid you should pay any attention to me, or show me even in the slightest possible way that you have any feelings for me at all.
Frank: Well then, if I'm so terrible, why do you stick around?
Marie: Maybe I won't.
Frank: Oh, yeah?
Marie: Maybe I won't, Frank. Now that I see I'm in a loveless marriage.
Frank: A loveless marriage? A loveless marriage?! A loveless marriage! [Frank snaps Marie's glasses and storms out of the house]