Debra Quote #343

Quote from Debra in The Canister

Debra: You know, it's just a canister. It's a can. Everybody will get over it. I'm throwing it out.
Robert: Whoa! Excuse me, Deb. Not to get technical, but what you're considering is theft and destruction of property. And I can't let that happen to something that once belonged to my "Gammy."
Ray: Yeah, come on, Debra. My mother loves this thing.
Debra: All right, all right. Yeah you're right, and you're right, and your mother's right. Okay? Everybody's right except for me. I just thought that, you know for once, she respected me enough to apologize. But I screwed up, so you know what? Give me the thing, I will take it back to her and I will let her say whatever she's gonna say. [opens the door] Nobody's gonna stop me? Nobody cares what happens to me? Or not even to me, but let's just say I bring this thing back, and then she thinks she's always right. And she has more power than ever. When you say, "Mom, I don't want to marry that girl. I think you're wrong about her." "Oh, really? Was I wrong about the canister?" Or you, when you say, "Mom, you know, I don't think you should move in with us now that Dad has passed." "Oh, have you forgotten about the canister?!" But you guys do what you want.
Robert: It is just a canister.
Ray: I'm gonna turn my back, you do what you have to do.


 ‘The Canister’ Quotes

Quote from Frank

Frank: Hey, is that Marie's canister?
Debra: No.
Frank: Wait a minute! Let me see that. You did have that canister! She's been going on and on about that thing like it's King Tut's golden undies.
Debra: Please, Frank, don't say anything. If she finds out I had this thing-
Frank: [chuckles] You're in big trouble, lady.
Debra: Listen, I'm begging you, Frank. What do I do?
Frank: Give your heart to God, 'cause your ass is Marie's.

Quote from Ray

Ray: Well, you gotta return it, now.
Debra: Are you out of your mind?! Do you know what she will put me through if I have to bring this thing back over to her? You know what she's like!
Ray: Look, there's a way to fix this. You just return this to her with your heart in it.

Quote from Debra

Debra: I could have sworn I gave that back to your mother. I mean, I don't know what happened. Well, here's what probably happened is that, you know, I'm doing a million things and the kids are always at you and they're asking you for stuff and Ally probably came up to me and asked me for something and I didn't really hear. You know, and as long as I don't hear the word "gun" or "knife," I just said, "Yeah." So, yeah, that that's probably what happened, I'm positive. Because, you know, I'm doing like a million things, and you know, I've gotta do everything here myself, and if you would pitch in a little bit more, Ray-
Ray: Oh, no, no! No! No! Don't look at me! This is what drowning people do, they pull you right down with them.
Debra: Well, I'm screwed, all right?
Robert: You know what's really bad? She apologized to you even though she knew she was right.
Debra: Oh, shut up! Why do you come over here, to state the obvious? Is that what you're here for?
Robert: I must say, Debra, this is not your most attractive side.
Debra: What do I do? What do I do?!