Ray Quote #547

Quote from Ray in The Visit

Debra: How come you want to go to a hotel?
Ray: Lemon chicken! Let's eat it. Let's, uh, wash it down with a little wasserfluss.
Debra: I heard you tell Dad you wanted to stay at a hotel?
Lois: Oh, well, it's just that there's a lot going on around here, and perhaps it would be easier for you if I weren't in the way.
Debra: You're not in the way, Mom!
Lois: It was just a notion. No need to get upset. Come on. This is my vacation.
Ray: I'd change travel agents.


 ‘The Visit’ Quotes

Quote from Ray

Debra: God. I was so excited about her coming to visit, you know? I had this big wild fantasy. "Oh, my mother's coming. It's gonna be so nice."
Ray: Yeah, well, welcome to the club.
Debra: What club?
Ray: The Your-Mother-Comes-Over-And-It's-Not-So-Nice Club. And I'm not just a member. I'm also the president.

Quote from Marie

Debra: Yeah, but I just wanted her to be apart of the family. It's been one day and already she's-
Marie: But she's not doing anything.
Debra: No! That's right, she's not doing anything. Nothing! Not a thing!
Marie: What do you want her to do?
Debra: I don't know. Just help me. Help the kids. Get involved. I mean, she should know! She's a mother!
Marie: Yes, dear, but she's not mother-ish. She's a nice lady but, she's not mother-ish. She's not the kind of mother we are.
Debra: We?
Marie: See, I'd like to think that whatever it is you didn't get from her, whatever it is you learned about what it really means to be a mother, that maybe you got that from me. [Debra chuckles faintly] It's funny, isn't it? How life gives you what you need.
Debra: [chuckles] Oh, you gotta love life.

Quote from Debra

Lois: Well, perhaps we should talk about this later. This really isn't the time, Debra.
Debra: Oh, that's right. This is your vacation. You gotta do your crossword, then take a siesta, then you got to run off to see Renoir!
Lois: Well, I'm sorry, Debra. I just don't know what you want from me.
Marie: [to Geoffrey] Oh here, honey. Let me get that for you.
Debra: You know what I want? I want you to be a part of the family! I want you to help! Or I want you to at least want to help, okay? I want you to be more like... [points to Marie] like her!