Frank Quote #223

Quote from Frank in Driving Frank

Frank: See, now there's a line for skeeball. We're screwed!
Debra: Where have you been?
Frank: We ran into traffic.
Ray: It wasn't traffic, Dad. It was a funeral procession.
Frank: One less idiot in the world.
Marie: That's a terrible thing to say. You don't even know the person.
Frank: We met the family. And believe me, the family Van Idiot.


 ‘Driving Frank’ Quotes

Quote from Frank

Debra: Wait, you're driving without a valid license?
Frank: I didn't want to wait in those long lines! Besides, I kinda like the picture on this one. See, 10 lbs. lighter and more hair.
Debra: This expired last year.
Marie: I am not driving with you until you get that renewed!
Frank: That's incentive? Why couldn't my marriage license expire?

Quote from Frank

Debra: You met them?
Frank: During the fight.
Marie: What fight?
Frank: There was no fight! They didn't want to get their good suits dirty.
Debra: What happened?
Ray: A few people - I don't know, I guess they were the mourners - they got a little upset 'cause we almost caused a pile up when Dad cut off the hearse.
Marie: Oh, Frank.
Frank: What kind of rush is he in? He's dead!

Quote from Frank

Robert: Now let me see your license!
Frank: Sorry, Sally, I'm fighting this!
Robert: There is black and white on the side of your car!
Frank: I hit a penguin!
Robert: I'm writing the ticket!
Frank: That's Barone! B-a-r-o-n-e! As in the man from whose loins you sprung! By the way, I hope you have someplace else to sleep tonight! Because if you try to come home, I'm gonna have you arrested for breaking and entering! [exits]
Robert: [to Ray & Debra] Does that couch pull out?