Ray Quote #367

Quote from Ray in High School

Ray: Hey. Hey, no MTV in this house. What are you- Give me that. Here. Popeye. Popeye's great.
Ally: Nobody likes Popeye.
Ray: Why? 'Cause he's not cool? Maybe you don't know Popeye. Don't be so quick to judge. "Nobody likes Popeye." Till Bluto's got you in a headlock. Then what? Guy hangs out with Wimpy and... Never mind.


 ‘High School’ Quotes

Quote from Marie

Frank: Hey, are you done with this? "Gifts from Ireland"?
Marie: Get the clothing one.
Frank: Why do I need new clothes?
Marie: Because people can see you.

Quote from Ray

Debra: Come on, Ray, you never talk about high school. I wanna see that part of your life. I wanna see what made you, you.
Ray: What made me? Here, follow the trail of cookies.

Quote from Robert

Robert: You know, Ray, you should really think about going, you know? It's like your own personal twilight zone. I mean, the last time you saw everybody was graduation, right? And then, pow! Everybody's 20 years older. Spooky.