Ray Quote #88

Quote from Ray in Win, Lose or Draw

Frank: What, are you showing off? This is just like when you were a kid you shoved the cocoa puffs up your nose. I raise you $50.
Ray: I was six then. And they smelled good. I see you $50, and I raise you $50.
Frank: I told you: ''Don't put the cocoa puffs up your nose.'' So what do you do? You shove 25 of them up there.
We got to go to the hospital. I see you and I raise you.
Ray: Well, Dad, whatever you spent at the hospital that night here's your chance to make it all back.
All: Holy crap!


 ‘Win, Lose or Draw’ Quotes

Quote from Frank

Ray: I can't take the money back, Ma.
Debra: Yes, you can.
Marie: Frank, please.
Frank: Forget it, I want to teach him a lesson. Don't get in over your head. Play with fire, you're going to get burned. And most importantly: thank you, come again.

Quote from Frank

Frank: Quit pushing.
Marie: Frank, do it.
Frank: I'm not giving Ray's check back. I won it fair and square.
Marie: If you don't give Ray his money, you're not the man I married.
Frank: I win again.

Quote from Debra

Debra: You know, I thought we were saving to buy a bigger house so we could move away from... this neighborhood.