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Quote from Marie in Tasteless Frank

Marie: Honey, it breaks my heart that you think that I might not see you as a man. And you have to know by now that I couldn't possibly think any less of you.
Amy: [to Debra] That is so sweet.
Marie: And I appreciate how difficult it must have been for you to have to decide between my food and our physical relationship.
Debra: [to Amy] Maybe we should go shopping now.
Marie: And I want you to know that I'm touched that our years in the boudoir have meant so much to you.
Frank: Well, they have. But if it's all the same to you, I'd rather have the food.
Marie: Me too. [they hug] Oh, Frank. Oh, Frank, I was hoping you'd say that. [as they hug] Oh, Frank. I don't think you need those pills.
Frank: No, those are the pills.

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