Quote from Debra in The Angry Family
Debra: And you can't even see what the real problem is here, can you? There's an image that Michael has of us. Ray: Come on, we're normal. [off Debra's look] Comparatively normal. Watch the news. Debra: Please. Ray: Although I will say, there are times when you seem to yell for no reason, you know? Maybe... Maybe that's what he's pickin' up on. Debra: I'm pretty sure that most of the leading characters in that story were from the Barone side. Ray: Yeah, okay, but the loud part, I'm thinkin', is probably you. Debra: So you're blaming me? You're completely free and clear? Ray: I'm sorry, but I am not the yeller. Debra: You are the reason for the yeller! Ray: Well, you assume that there must be yelling! Debra: You're damn right there's yell...