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Quote from Ray in Italy

Ray: Listen. Um, I know you wanted to talk to me before, and I know what you were gonna say.
Debra: No, you don't.
Ray: Well, whatever you were gonna say, you were right. I was wrong and you were right, and I'm not just saying that so we don't have to talk about it anymore, like at home. Just there's something about this place. Do you get that? There's like a feeling here. I don't know how to describe it, but it's more simple. The way the whole place shuts down in the middle of the day, so the people can just, you know, enjoy the day. It's like they know how to live here. Don't you think? Don't you think it's kind of beautiful here?
Debra: Yes.
Ray: Okay. So we agree and the history. I was thinking, thousands of years here. We got no history at home. Everything was built last week.
Debra: Where have you been?
Ray: I had a bike ride.
Debra: No, not today. I mean this whole trip.
Ray: Okay, so what do you want me to say? Your hair does look nice, though.
Debra: So now you're being romantic.
Ray: Look, I don't know what I'm being, but we got a couple of days left. You wanna enjoy it or you wanna mope around?

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