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The Quote

Quote from Debra in The Skit

Debra: "Cranky, uptight yell machine"?!
Ray: Hey, whoa! Whoa. What about you? "Whiney baby, needy mommy!"
Debra: I only say that because it's true!
Ray: Look out, don't want to turn on the yell machine 'cause there's no off switch!
Debra: "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! My wife is being mean to me."
Ray: [mocking noises]
Debra: Yeah. That's a good comeback.
Ray: "That's a good comeback!"
Debra: Oh, there's another one.
Ray: "Oh, there's another one!"
Debra: Idiot!
[Robert smiles at Ray through the window]

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