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Quote from Debra in T-Ball

Debra: Why do you care about that pompous little ass?
Ray: Okay, he's not your type of person. Okay, but there's no reason to yell at him. He's just doing his job.
Debra: Snacks at T-ball is not his job. He's an optician.
Ray: Exactly why you shouldn't yell at him. It's volunteer work.
Debra: I cannot believe that you took his side.
Ray: Well, he has a point. I mean, pretzels weren't on the list.
Debra: Ray! I don't care if I put out a bowl of rocks today, okay? We are married! If somebody talks to your wife that way you're supposed to support her.
Ray: What if the wife is almost yelling?
Debra: I was standing up for myself.

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