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Quote from Ray in Anniversary

Ray: [sings] Down came the rain and washed the spider out Out came the sun dried up all the rain The itsy, bitsy spider went up the spout again [talks] I love that spider. You know, they could be fussing and crying you start singing that song, it's musical chloroform.
Debra: That's great, Ray. Look at this. You told me you took care of the car guy. Got another bill from him. And the pediatrician is still sending us the bill because you haven't contacted the insurance agency.
Ray: [sings] The itsy bitsy spider...
Debra: Look, Ray. I only asked you to do a couple of things.
Ray: Down came the rain [Ray stops singing as Debra falls silent]
Debra: ls it so difficult...
Ray: Washed the spider out
Debra: Just next time-
Ray: Frere Jacques

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