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Quote from Ray in Who's Next?

Ray: How about Robert?
Debra: What?
Ray: Well, I was thinkin' about it, and if I died, I'd pick Robert to replace me. What's the matter? Too tall?
Debra: No! He's your brother, and he's marrying my best friend.
Ray: Well, you didn't like it when I said Bernie, so I gave it some real thought, and knowing you as a person, or whatever, I... You know, I think I came up with a good choice Robert no?
Debra: No. It's- I don't even want to think about it, it's too creepy.
Ray: It's not creepy. Here's how it would happen: The four of us are in Robert's car, we get in an accident, and Amy and I die.
Debra: That's not creepy?
Ray: No. The beauty of it is, the way I figure it, Robert feels so guilty about his driving, he's rendered impotent. Yeah. Otherwise, it would be weird.

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