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Quote from Debra in Who's Next?

Debra: What's with the big smile? What are you thinking about?
Ray: What? I'm I-I guess I'm thinkin' about the kids and how happy they'll be with Linda.
Debra: You're picturing her naked, aren't you?
Ray: No, no, no! No.
Debra: I know she has a good body.
Ray: She does? Well, I never noticed.
Debra: Oh, you are so so full of it! I'm not even dead yet, you're already fantasizing about having sex with Linda.
Ray: I am not! Come on, how can you say that?
Debra: 'Cause I know that dorky face you're so typical! All you care about are boobs and butts.
Ray: I couldn't care less about butts!

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