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Quote from Marie in The First Time

Debra: Wait, Marie. Marie. If you felt so strongly about this, why didn't you just come talk to me? I mean, I feel like there's something else going on. Do you not like me or something?
Marie: Oh, no! It's not that at all. Oh, Debra I see the way Raymond acts around you, and how he looks at you, and how he talks about you to everybody. He has never been this way with anyone. So I just thought that you two should wait until after you're... you know.
Debra: Oh.
Marie: That's why I came over.
Debra: Oh. Well... Yeah, that's okay, Marie. I just hope that we can always talk like this. You know, instead of bringing over lasagna and a priest.
Marie: Of course! I love talking to you! And Debra, I just want you to know, it's really not like me to meddle in my son's life.

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