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Quote from Ray in Snow Day

Debra: Marie, wait a minute. Do we always see eye-to-eye? No. But that's because we're different, not because I think I'm better. Just different. And you have to remember, you're the tight-knit family. I was the outsider. And I've always thought that, in most ways, I was the same as you guys. But I guess... Well, I'm sorry that you feel that way. [Marie is silent] I'm gonna go get Frank.
Ray: Come on!
Debra: What?
Ray: Come on. We're just different than you? We're like the front porch of the nut house.
Robert: Hey!
Ray: How could you not think you're better than us? It would be weird if you didn't.
Marie: Raymond!
Ray: I'm just trying to prove your point, Ma, because you're right.
Marie: Well, okay then.

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