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Quote from Debra in The Canister

Ray: So, you'll just say that it was a mistake and that it was here all along.
Debra: No.
Ray: What do you mean, no?
Debra: No. We'll- We'll sneak it in. We'll hide it in her house and she'll just come across it someday and she'll realize she was the one that was wrong.
Ray: Except she wasn't wrong.
Debra: So you're saying you don't love me?
Ray: Okay, all right, fine, sneak it back in. But when you say we'll sneak it back in, you mean you and Ally will sneak it back in, 'cause that'll be great, like a take-your-daughter-to-work kind of thing.
Debra: You'll do what I say.
Ray: Yes, I will.

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