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Quote from Ray in Prodigal Son

Ray: All right, listen, when I go there, I should be thinking about God, right? Instead, I'm thinking about some column I'm working on, "What's up with this guy's scalp?" "Oh, that lady sneezed, I'm not shaking her hand." I'm not focused. I feel like I'm just going through the motions, and that's not respectful, right?
Debra: Yeah, you're right. I mean, you shouldn't go if you're just going through the motions.
Ray: What are you doing?
Debra: What? I'm agreeing with you.
Ray: No, you're trying to make me feel guilty.
Debra: No, I'm not.
Ray: You're just like my mother.
Debra: Why do you have to insult me?

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