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Quote from Ray in No Thanks

Ally: The boys are bothering me.
Debra: What are they doing?
Ally: They're gobbling.
Ray: [chuckles] Gobbling.
Ally: I told them to stop, but they keep doing it.
Twins: Gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble...
Ally: See?!
Twins: [o.s.] Gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble...
Debra: They're probably doing it because it makes you mad. If you pretend it doesn't bother you, they'll stop.
gobble gobble gobble.
Ray: I don't know.
Debra: You know what you should do? You should gobble, too. Then they'll get bored, and they'll leave you alone.
Ray: Nah.
Debra: Why, what do you got, Ray?
Twins: [o.s.] gobble gobble gobble...
Ray: Hey, you two quit gobbling, you hear me? Or you will never see ice cream again for the rest of your life! [twins are silent] There you go.
Ally: Thank you, Daddy.
Ray: Daddy loves you.

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