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Quote from Ray in The Can Opener

Ray: What'd you tell him?!
Debra: I told him the truth. That you come home all "What's for dinner? Oh, a can? How make tuna out?" [wails with a finger held out]
Ray: Yeah, that's me, huh? Well, this is you. This is you! Me-me-me-me-me- me-me-me-me-me- me-me-me-me-me- me-me-me-me-me-me!
Frank: Wait a minute. That sounds like Marie.
Debra: Yeah, that's really great, Ray. Coming home and giving me crap about a can opener.
Ray: I didn't give you crap and it's a stupid can opener!
Debra: It's not stupid! It gets rid of sharp edges!
Ray: And the tuna!

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