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Quote from Ray in The Getaway

Ray: [to Debra through the door] Oh, what- What did I do? What did I do? I said what are they having? What did I do? Come on! You said there was going to be a cookout thing, and I said, "What are they having?" That's a perfectly legitimate question. There was no other meaning there. And the nap thing, that was just- That's me trying to be romantic. That's all. I'm sorry. I don't know what the hell I'm doing here.
Pam: Is someone in there?
Ray: Yeah. What do you think..? [to Debra] Honey, come on. Somebody else needs to use the bathroom. Honey, come on. We're not the only one who has this bathroom. Remember, you're the one who booked the place with the share-the-bathroom thing. I just made it worse, didn't I? Honey, come on. I'm sorry. Please, come on. Let's be friends, huh? This is our weekend getaway. Come on, honey. Unlock the-- Oh. It's not locked. We'll just be a minute.

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