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Quote from Marie in Cruising with Marie

Marie: Come on, let's go dancing.
Ray: No, no, I don't wanna dance. I'm not a dancer.
Marie: All right then, I'll see you later.
Ray: Wait, Ma. Don't you think you're overdoing it a little? Huh? Take it easy. Take a break. Come on, we'll get something to eat here. Look, room service. I've got a tab running.
Marie: Oh, I don't wanna stay in the room. It's too small.
Ray: What's so special about those people out there?
Marie: Nothing. They're just very nice. They think I'm fun. They think I'm interesting. They like doing things with me. They like me.
Ray: I like you.
Marie: Oh, I know you do, Raymond. You know what? We'll have room service for breakfast tomorrow. I won't stay out long.

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