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Quote from Ray in T-Ball

Debra: You know, Ray, why do you need everybody to like you?
Ray: What?
Debra: You know, you can never make a scene about anything because, God forbid, somebody doesn't like you.
Ray: Wait a minute. So I'm likable? Okay. Isn't that why you like me?
Debra: I love you, I have to like you. Next week, when we show up without a snack could you please back me up?
Ray: Okay, if it means that much to you. Or we could just quit T-ball. It's not like Ally's gonna turn pro or anything.
Debra: You are unbelievable. Why can't you just say, "Hi, Bryan Trenberth, I don't care if you like me or not but we didn't bring a snack this week 'cause my wife is as busy as hell and she brought a perfectly fine snack last week and if it's not on your stupid list, uh, I'm sorry, but that's your problem."
Ray: I don't really talk like that.
Debra: Yeah. That's too bad.
Ray: Hey, you know what everybody's gonna call us, don't you? "Mr. and Mrs. Pretzel." Yeah. Get ready.

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