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Quote from Frank in All I Want For Christmas

Frank: Let's go, Marie.
Ray: Dad, wait.
Frank: Pack up your stuff and grab the kids.
Ray: I didn't mean for this.
Marie: Why? Why are we leaving?
Frank: Ray and Debra want to relax.
Debra: Ray.
Ray: Come on. Dad, you don't have to do this. Come on.
Marie: Why do they have to relax?
Frank: They're young, they're in love. You gotta be hit over the head with a mallet? Figure it out.
Debra: Oh, my God!
Marie: Raymond, it's Christmas Day. The baby Jesus was just born.
Robert: Okay, I found the batteries. We are cleared for takeoff.
Frank: So is my boy. Everybody, grab your coats. Chop, chop.

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