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Quote from Marie in Anniversary

[voiceovers as we see Ray and Debra as a younger Frank and Marie:]
Marie: And I remember Frank and I were just like you two. Everything was normal. We'd had our differences. But this was the day I realized the man I married had no respect for me whatsoever.
Frank: Don't make this a production, Marie.
Marie: I remember, I'd been cooking all day and you were taking your own sweet time coming down for dinner. When I think of how many times I yelled, "Frank!" A nice pot roast, little red potatoes, carrots cooked in the sauce. Before he even tasted a bite, he had the nerve to ask me for salt.
Frank: Salt gives it taste.
Marie: That roast had taste. It had oregano, garlic, paprika. He wouldn't even try it!
Frank: It's my house! I'm allowed to have salt if I want!
Marie: Even if it destroys another person?

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