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Quote from Rochelle in Everybody Hates Rejection

Louise Clarkson: Excuse me? Excuse you.
Vanessa: Who are you?
Louise Clarkson: Who are you?
Rochelle: Oh, girl, that's Louise. She just moved in next-
Louise Clarkson: I beg your pardon. I'm sitting right here. I'm Louise. I just moved in next door, and this was my idea. By the way, in my old neighborhood, we didn't have these problems.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] She told her.
White Cop: Where are you from?
Louise Clarkson: Queens.
White Cop: Oh, Queens. Very lovely there. Do you know the Jacobsons?
Louise Clarkson: The Black Jacobs?
White Cop: No, the White ones.
Louise Clarkson: The ones with the restaurant?
White Cop: Yeah.
Rochelle: Excuse me, can we talk about this neighborhood, Brooklyn?
White Cop: All right.
Louise Clarkson: Touchy.

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