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Quote from Chris in Everybody Hates Christmas

Chris: Mom, Dad, I'm 13.
Julius: Well, you're not getting a present for Christmas.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] He said that like we're out of bacon.
Rochelle: We got to buy a new water heater.
Chris: Well, then, we need a plan to tell Drew and Tonya.
Julius: Tell them what?
Chris: That they're not getting any presents for Christmas.
Rochelle: Who said they weren't getting anything for Christmas?
Chris: Wait, they're getting stuff and I'm not?
Julius: You're older, Chris. They wouldn't understand.
Chris: Am I gonna get anything?
Rochelle: Oh, baby, you'll be able to use up all the hot water you want.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] So all I'm getting is a clean ass?
Julius: Steaming hot.

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