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Quote from Risky in Everybody Hates Math

Julius: What's all this?
Risky: Ah, well, I figured while you sell the newspapers, I open up a whole new customer base.
Julius: How about I open up your skull with a tire iron? I can't drive around with a truck full of stolen goods.
Risky: Eh, I'm not a thief. I'm a wholesaler. Cut out the middle man.
Julius: How about you cut out the bail man? 'Cause that's what we're gonna need.
Risky: Have you ever known me to be in trouble with the law?
Julius: Come on, now. Have you ever known me to sell radios out the back of a paper truck?
Risky: I'm sorry. Look, let me just move this stuff today, and after that, it'll be newspapers and only newspapers.
Julius: One day. And that's it.
Risky: Thank you.
Julius: How much for this?

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