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Quote from Adult Chris in Everybody Hates Rejection

Yvette: Hey, Chris.
Chris: Oh, hey, what happened to you yesterday?
Yvette: That's right. We were supposed to go see Footloose. I totally forgot.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] I didn't know it then, but, for years to come, I dated an awful lot of women with amnesia.
[flash-forward to 1987:]
Girl: Oh, that's right. We're supposed to go to the prom together. I totally forgot.
[flash-forward to 1997:]
Girl: That's right. We were supposed to do something for your birthday. Totally forgot.
[flash-forward to the present day:]
Woman: Oh, that's right. I was supposed to give you a kidney. Boy, I forgot all about you.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Until I got famous, I never met a woman that could remember anything.

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