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Quote from Doc in Everybody Hates Rejection

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Being stood up was bad enough, so I didn't want to tell anybody.
Doc: Hey. Listen, you ever hear of Whodini?
Chris: Ecstasy and Jalil? Yeah.
Doc: Yeah, I got a couple of tickets. I thought the show was about the magician. You want 'em?
Chris: Yeah.
Doc: Maybe you can take your girl.
Chris: I don't think so.
Doc: Why not?
Chris: She stood me up. I was standing outside the theater for two hours and she never shed up.
Doc: What? You gonna let her treat you that way and get away with it? Listen, if I was you, I'd go find that girl, take her by the hair and shake her like an Etch-A-Sketch.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Doc lives alone.

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