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Quote from Rochelle in Everybody Hates Math

Chris: I'm sorry, Ma. I just needed to get some help.
Rochelle: Oh, so I just rassled you to the ground and stopped you from learning?
Maxine: Rochelle, all you did was holler at the boy.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] My mother was hollering at her boy long before it was cool to holla at your boy.
Rochelle: Is that what you told her?
Maxine: He didn't have to tell me, Rochelle, I know you. You are impatient. You couldn't teach a rock how to hit the ground if you dropped it.
[fantasy: Rochelle is holding a rock out on the street:]
Rochelle: Now, all you got to do is fall straight down. Ow! Didn't I tell you to hit the ground?!

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