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Quote from Rochelle in Everybody Hates Rejection

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Our new next door neighbor was Louise Clarkson. She hated our neighborhood, and was intent on doing something about it.
Louise Clarkson: Well, I can see we're both very busy, so I'll just get to the point. I'm starting a neighborhood block watch.
Rochelle: Why do we need a block watch?
Louise Clarkson: In case you haven't noticed, crime is running rampant in this neighborhood.
Rochelle: No, it's not. This block is fine.
Louise Clarkson: Burglaries are up, assaults, murders. Is that fine?
Rochelle: I don't know what block, you've been on, but this block is okay, but thank you for stopping by.
Louise Clarkson: Well, thank you. Uh, something on your teeth. I'll see myself out.
Rochelle: Okay.
Louise Clarkson: Love the couch.
Rochelle: [to herself] Neighborhood block watch.

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