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Quote from Jenny in The Haunting

Jenny: ♫ Let me tell you about my man ♫ Let me put into words if I can ♫
Aisling: ♫ I think I can ♫
Jenny: ♫ He's the apple of my eye ♫
Jenny & Aisling: ♫ Without him I'd just die ♫ He's my guy ♫ Ooh, he's my guy ♫
Jenny: ♫And his name is God... ♫
Sister Michael: Merciful Jesus.
Jenny: ♫His name is God, God, God ♫ Oh, yes, it's God ♫
Michelle: The sly bitch.
Jenny: ♫ There's no one like Him ♫ He died for our sins ♫

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