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Quote from Ma Mary in The Reunion

Mary: Jesus, if she was chocolate she'd eat herself. Have you ever seen anybody more delighted with themselves?
Aunt Sarah: Well, she is married to a surgeon, Mary. I'd be delighted, too.
Ciaran: Grand, so.
Mary: What's so great about being married to a surgeon?
Geraldine: The money.
Deidre: Plus that particular surgeon doesn't talk. A man that doesn't talk. She is living the dream, girls.
Gerry: What do you mean, doesn't talk?
Deidre: 15 years I've been nursing in that hospital, not a peep out of him.
Ciaran: Can he talk?
Mary: I mean, he used to talk, back when they started going out.
Deidre: Then he just stopped.
Ciaran: Jesus, but that's odd.
Deidre: You're telling me. Now don't get me wrong, he's a great surgeon, he's handled more bullets than the IRA, but you wouldn't wanna be stuck in a lift with him.
Gerry: Why does someone just stop talking?
Sean: Well, maybe he just ran out of things to say, Gerry.

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