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Quote from Orla in Stranger on a Train

Orla: [drops KitKats on the table] You're welcome.
Erin: Huh. The display KitKats? How did you get the display KitKats?
Orla: I made him an offer he couldn't refuse.
Erin: What sort of offer?
Orla: Let's just say everybody has their price.
Erin: Orla. You know the money that was in that bag with the gun?
Orla: Go on.
Erin: Please tell me you did not swap that money for those KitKats.
Orla: No.
Erin: Oh, thank God.
Orla: I mean, not all of it.
Erin: How much of it?
Orla: 500 or something.
Michelle: Fucking hell, Orla.

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