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Quote from Sister Michael in Ms De Brún and the Child of Prague

Sister Michael: I will be taking this class for the rest of the term, which makes me want to pull off my own face, but needs must.
Erin: [to Jenny] This was you, wasn't it? What did you do? What did you say?
Jenny: I don't know what you're talking about.
Erin: Aye, so you don't. Supergrass!
Sister Michael: That's quite enough.
Erin: You don't understand, sister. Ms. De Brún, she touched us.
Sister Michael: What?!
Erin: She made us think, she made us feel.
Sister Michael: [sighs] Oh, thank God. That would be all I need.
Erin: You can't sack her! You just can't!
Sister Michael: Miss Quinn, you appear to be under the misapprehension that you can address me as though you are my equal. I suggest you rein it in and take a seat.

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