Lilith Quote #124

Quote from Lilith in It's a Wonderful Wife

Henri: Okay, okay. Good. Serious. [takes photo] Happy. [Lilith's expression doesn't change] Seductive. [no change] Angry. [no change] Playful. [no change] Have you ever modeled professionally?
Lilith: Goodness no.
Henri: Oh, I know you're lying. Come, let's go back to the studio.
Lilith: Tres bien.
Henri: Como?
Lilith: You said, "Let's go back to the studio," and I said, "Tres bien."
Henri: No, I'm sorry, I don't understand this.
Lilith: Tres bien.
Henri: Ah, oh, "Tres bien"! I see I'm going to have to teach you the French tongue.


 ‘It's a Wonderful Wife’ Quotes

Quote from Lilith

Lilith: I always have such trouble trying to figure out what to get Frasier for his birthday.
Sam: Mm-hmm.
Lilith: Do you think perhaps he'd like a photograph of me?
Sam: Why? I mean... Of course he would. Why would any man not want a picture of his wife?
Henri: I agree. A picture of you is what every man wants. May I have the honor of taking it?
Lilith: Well, perhaps. But I must warn you. I've had bad luck with photographers. It seems they always overexpose the film, and I come out looking white as a ghost.

Quote from Norm

Norm: [enters] Afternoon, everybody.
All: Norm!
Woody: What's going on, Mr. Peterson?
Norm: Another layer for the winter, Wood.

Quote from John Allen Hill

Norm: Hey, do you want to tell me why you fired Vera?
John: Who are you?
Norm: I'm her husband, Norm.
John: Oh, yes. I didn't recognize you without a bar growing out of your chest.