Sam Quote #1002

Quote from Sam in The Sam in the Gray Flannel Suit

Sam: Well, Rebecca welcome to the, uh, executive office. Would you like to have a seat in the executive chair there? Or maybe on the executive sofa? Or how 'bout the executive lap? [recorded cackling]


 ‘The Sam in the Gray Flannel Suit’ Quotes

Quote from Rebecca

Rebecca: What does this mean? When did Evan start taking Sam to lunch? When did the two of them become good friends? When did I start talking to myself?

Quote from Sam

Mimi: Mr. Malone, I hate to rush you, but people are waiting. Have you made a decision yet?
Sam: Yes, Mimi, I have. I'll take the tuna on toast with iced tea.
Mimi: Done.
Sam: Oh, and, uh, after lunch, we'll, uh, finish the memo I was drafting. Where did we leave off?
Mimi: "To whom it may concern."
Sam: Boy, I like the way that sounds.

Quote from Rebecca

Carla: Hey, Shoulder Pads, freeze.
Rebecca: Yes, Carla?
Carla: I seem to be a little short.
Rebecca: Yes, but you have a warm personality.