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Quote from Carla in Feelings... Whoa, Whoa, Whoa

Frasier: So, uh, why didn't you go with him to the hospital?
Carla: I hate hospitals. I'll send him a card later if I think of it.
Frasier: Now, just a minute, Carla, listen. You've been seeing this man for over a year now. Don't you have any feelings for him?
Carla: Listen, Doc, I've had guys run out on me. I had a husband die on me. I got eight kids at home to worry about. I don't need to go getting attached to some other guy just because we sweat up the sheets now and then. I couldn't care less about Hill. You feel so strongly about him, you go visit him. [walks over to a table] You ready to order?
Man: Uh, yes, we'd like a gin and tonic with a lime, please, a Diet Coke, a Manhattan up, and we'll also need some fresh pretzels and, and [Carla cries]
Man: l- ls there something wrong, Miss?
Carla: [sobs] My boyfriend's in the hospital.

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