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Quote from Lilith in The Girl in the Plastic Bubble

Frasier: Well, then where are you going to live? All right, let me guess. Don't tell me! You're going to move in with your boyfriend, Dr. Pascal!
Lilith: That's right, Frasier, I am.
Frasier: What's so great about this Pascal guy anyway, huh? I mean, the man is obviously a crackpot. All he's noted for is inventing this ridiculous bubble underground.
Lilith: It's called an Eco-pod, Frasier. A self-contained subterranean environment which will serve as a prototype for an eventual space station. Similar to the Biosphere, only on a much more ambitious scale.
Frasier: To be inhabited by moles and gophers, no doubt.
Lilith: Yes, it will house a variety of animal species. And, for the first year, two human subjects as well.
Frasier: Oh, really? And where in the world do you expect to find... Oh, no!
Lilith: Yes, Frasier, I'm off to live in the Eco-pod.
Frasier: Oh, no!
Lilith: It's a noble experiment. I'm a pioneer. The research we are going to do is going to aid all of humanity.
Frasier: This is the stupidest day I've ever had.

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