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Quote from Sam in Bar Wars V: The Final Judgment

Gary: Here, I'd like to give you a blank check. Whatever the damages, just write it in. And I'd also like to call off all the pranks for tonight.
Sam: What's going on here?
Gary: Well, I went to my doctor today. He says I have abnormally high blood pressure. I'm 225 over 90. Yeah, he also said if I don't start taking it easy soon, I could end up a lot worse, so you see, that's why we got to call off everything for tonight.
Sam: So this is not one of your pranks?
Gary: No, no, no, no. Sam, I'm on the level here, okay? I'm really sorry about everything, guys. A round of beers on me, okay? Just add it to the check, Sam, all right?
Cliff: Thanks, Gary.
Sam: Oh, what are you talking about? Hey, come on, listen. Your health's a lot more important than a bunch of silly pranks.
Gary: Wow, you're really a great guy, Sam. Look, I got to go. My wife's waiting in the car for me. She's gonna take me home. [exits]
Sam: Oh, are we going after him tonight!

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